Julia embodies the belief that there are no problems, only solutions.
Born and raised in Texas—where she still lives today— Julia considers herself to be a strong Southern girl to the core. As a kid, Julia always dreamed of being an amazing wife and at-home mother when she grew up. And that’s exactly what she did. For 25 years Julia was the VP of the “Jordan Home Team,” where she took part in some of the most rigorous on the ground solution-focused training that life has to offer.
“Being a stay at home mom gave me an enormous education base and on the ground training in team building, problem solving, relationship fostering, event planning, leadership, life coaching, and so much more. I was the VP of the Jordan Home Team, with an excellent track record and 25 years of perfect attendance.” —Julia Jordan, Senior Director of Success

Julia loved her career as a wife and mother and never expected to have to work outside of the home. But, life threw her family a curveball in 2002 when her husband became one of the 30,000 innocent employees who lost everything after the infamous WorldCom accounting scandal and bankruptcy filing. Along with thousands of people, Julia’s family lost not only the income and benefits their family depended on, but every single penny they had saved for retirement.
Faced with needing to take her career outside of the home, Julia pulled herself up by the bootstraps and got to working on a solution. That solution was real estate, and it’s ultimately what led her to RealEstateInvestor.com. (Read her full real estate investing story here.)
Julia’s focused on making a measurable difference at RealEstateInvestor.com.
Julia’s committed to making a measurable difference in the lives of our members, our team, and our community. Her passion for relationship fostering, coaching, and encouraging are among the many admirable traits that make her a beloved part of our company and our community. For fun, we decided to ask a few people to share with us either a fictional job title or a nickname that best describes how Julia is making a measurable difference in the lives of others. Here are a some of those answers:
Mama Bear- She guards our team and our members fiercely and protectively watches to make sure that nobody gets left behind. She’s always looking for ways to solve problems and make things better.
Leader of Team Culture- Our company culture is a huge part of what we all love about working for RealEstateInvestor.com, and Julia is big on making sure it stays that way.
Our Moral Compass- As the accountability coach for our leadership team, Gary calls Julia their moral compass. Our core values are another thing we all love about this company, and Julia makes sure we’re always moving in the right direction.
The Closer- If there’s a challenge or a problem, Julia’s usually called in because of her uncanny ability to find solutions and to make things happen.
Jolly Julia- Twice a day Julia hosts motivational calls with our overseas phone teams that she affectionately refers to as our Sales Ninjas. Our sales ninja’s may live across the world, but Julia always makes them feel like they’re just as much a part of our family here. During these calls, Julia makes sure our sales ninjas are happy, pumped up, and that they have all the training and resources they need in order to land more qualified sellers for our members.
We asked Julia what she loves most about our company, here’s what she said:
“Our culture and our core values is what makes our company great. We have an interwoven team atmosphere where we’re all willing to jump in and help each other. We understand that everything we do is for the combined result of the company. We work hard, but we have fun too. I love that we’re a bottom up company, versus a top down. We take input and go and do things based on that philosophy. That allows us to be the best versions of ourselves that we can be. At the end of the day, we’re all part of one big family. That’s what keeps us outwardly focused and committed to making a measurable difference in each other’s lives and in the lives of our members.” —Julia Jordan, Senior Director of Success
Let’s get personal! Getting to know Julia Jordan.
Julia is a southern girl to the core who lives with her husband on a 25-acre ranch in North Texas. In true real estate investor fashion, she leases out 22 of those acres to a neighboring rancher as a grazing lease for his herd of cows and one stubborn mule. Julia starts her day off at 5am with a cup of coffee in one hand and her Bible in the other. She’s powered by Jesus and energized by spending quality time with the people she loves. When she’s not working, Julia can be found spoiling her grandkids, devouring books, cooking southern dishes, or working in her garden. She affectionately refers to “porch time” as one of her favorite ways to partake in self-care. Porch time includes unwinding on her oversized porch where she can watch the animals graze from her favorite rocking chair.
We Asked Julia: If you could have any super power, what super power would you choose and why?
Julia Answered: “I feel like the Holy Spirit in me is my super power and I don’t really need another one.”