The real estate market changes every few years. Sometimes motivated sellers are coming out of the woodwork, and other times they’re super hard to find. Experienced Real Estate Investors cite their slowdown of seller leads on many different sources. Let’s look at those common sources to determine what might be causing your seller lead flow to slow down.
“When a market heats up, new real estate investors flood in and sour good leads.”
It’s exciting when a market heats up. But when this happens it’s inevitable that new real estate investors will eventually flood in. This ‘gold rush’ effect happens when people see other entrepreneurs making good money. This usually results in a mixed lot that’s made mostly of people chasing easy money, and only a few new real estate investors who are actually serious about putting in the effort to build their businesses.
It’s not either of our jobs to decipher who’s serious about joining our industry from who’s not. That gets weeded out on its own eventually. After all, building a business in real estate takes effort and it’s far from easy money. So once those who aren’t ready to work hard see this, they’ll move on to the next shiny thing.
But are these newbies to blame for souring the best leads in the market and turning qualified sellers off from dealing with other real estate investors in general? Possibly. But this would likely only happen with a handful of leads, but not enough leads to really impact your business…
“This or that marketing source used to work, but it’s totally dead now.”
No industry is immune to fluctuating marketing trends and changing algorithms on popular PPC advertisement sites. Real Estate Investors can suffer from low lead conversion rates, poor performing ads, direct mail campaigns that bring in less than optimal results, and other marketing sources that seem to dry up.
While this definitely can cause seller leads to slow down, there are a lot of different factors at play with these ads that can impact their overall performance. That ad source might not be working well right now or it might be a poorly worded or targeted ad, among many other potential reasons. But is this really keeping real estate investors from being able to get quality seller leads? No.
So what’s really causing the slowdown in seller leads?
The truth is there’s no shortage of seller leads. Motivated sellers are a little harder to find when the competition heats up, but any investor (or agent) worth their salt knows how to find them.
You can find list brokers and software that pulls public records by the thousands. Or you can invest in high quality direct mail lists or internet advertising that’s proven to work now. Just because what you did last year isn’t working today, it doesn’t mean that nothing is working now.
Actually, when it comes down to it, getting seller leads to come in the door is actually easy if you take the time to find out what’s working now. But that’s not what you really need to get a leg up on your competition…
Real Estate Investors are so focused on generating seller leads when it’s not even the problem!
Sales and marketing is really a game of weeding people out, eliminating sellers who aren’t a good fit for you, and getting to the appointment so you can close the deal.
The most successful investors are not blinded by the numbers game and generating more leads. They’re focused on generating more appointments. Appointments that are with qualified and motivated sellers who already know they need to sell their house and that you might be the solution that can help them.
A solution that gets you straight to the appointment stage.
This is what we do for our members of RealEstateInvestor.com. We offer the tools and resources to help our members to bypass all of that time spent in the weeds looking for leads, and instead head straight to the appointments so that they can close bigger and better deals.
Our REIgnyte Managed members are some of the country’s most successful real estate investors, and we handle everything for them. From marketing, cold calling, qualifying leads, and setting appointments, we take care of the grunt work so they can focus on growing their business.
When our investors can focus on the process that happens from appointment through to closing the deal, they’re able to scale their business faster and they’re much happier because they can relax and know all of the lead work is covered for them. As a result, they can focus on closing more deals, more consistently and with less effort.
If you’d like to learn more…
If this sounds like something you’d like to know more about, let’s set up an appointment to talk. Our new REIgnyte suite has a wide range of options for real estate entrepreneurs. Options that can grow with you as you scale your business.
We’d also love to see you in our REI Beacon Private Facebook Group where we hold regular training’s and Q&A’s with industry experts!