We miss you March Madness 2020…
I know, I know… It hurts…
It was hands down the right call for the NCAA to make for the safety of their players and their fans, but it doesn’t mean it stings any less. So much so that grieving basketball fans are turning to online March Madness simulations with computer-simulated round-by-round results that predict how this season might have played out.
Analytics and algorithms might be able to make educational guesses as to which teams could have made the final bracket, but life can always surprise us in ways that artificial intelligence can’t predict. And while we’ll never know if our favorite teams could have been named NCAA Champions during the 2020 March Madness season, we can take some lessons from their hard work over this past year.
They trained hard for the big game…
Winning a championship isn’t easy. Nothing great in life is. We should honor and respect the blood, sweat, and tears that our players put in over the past year to train for March Madness.
Knowing that a championship doesn’t simply fall on their laps, players sacrificed by getting up early for practice and arriving home late after classes. They were willing to put in the time and energy it took for a chance to win. Their output and determination is admirable.
In the same way, as entrepreneurs, we need to be proactive and intentional when it comes to training opportunities. How much effort and work are we willing to put in to win? While we’re at home due to Coronavirus restrictions like the Safer at Home Orders and the Shelter in Place Orders, we should be intentional about how this time is being spent.
Sure, being forced to stay inside our homes isn’t how we wanted to spend our time. But this time doesn’t need to feel like a punishment. This is a time where we can be more productive than ever. We can spend this time learning and preparing to take our businesses to the next level.
Being a part of a team where you can get coaching and training from people who are further along than you in this business is essential. After all, a team is nothing without a coach!
Take this time to ask yourself these questions:
1. Are you prepared to put in the time and effort it takes to train for the big game?
If you’re not willing to spend intentional time learning and training now while you’re already spending forced time at home, then it might be time to ask yourself this tougher question:
2. Will, there ever be a time when you’re ready to put in that kind of effort?
Hopefully, you said yes to one of these questions.
If not, then running a winning business might not be the right career move for you.
The most successful people surround themselves with people who are smarter than them.
Free resources for real estate entrepreneurs:
Here are some free resources where you can get involved with real estate investors and hybrid real estate agents who are doing both listing and buying in today’s market. These are the people who are learning from the best, and who are making tons of money doing it.
Live Q&A’s with Experts Every Tuesday at 12PM PST
Live Strategy Sessions with Industry Pros Every Thursday at 1PM PST
They prepared for Game Changers.
A failure to plan is a planned failure…
From injuries to viruses, the best coaches and teams have backup plans and a strategy for all of life’s “what ifs.”
One of the hardest lessons we’re learning as a world is that we need to be better prepared. Precious lives, time, and resources are being lost due to our failure to prepare ahead of time for this pandemic. We’re all learning hard lessons because of it.
Do you have a backup plan? How about a backup plan for your backup plan?
If not, join a free strategy session like REI Beacon’s Free Strategic Thursday Webinars!
Will a Coronavirus recession be a game-changer for real estate entrepreneurs?
With a potential recession following this unprecedented event, our industry will likely see an influx of sellers needing to exit their homes fast. While this is an incredible opportunity for real estate entrepreneurs, those who fail to prepare a solid business strategy might fold under the pressure.
Now is the time to prepare a strategic game plan that will allow you to hit the ground running and maximize your productivity and profits. Join your peers and industry experts in a free community where you can ask candid questions and learn from what other players on the field are doing in real time.
They know that leaders make headlines, but it’s the teams that win!
Everyone knows that a sports hero can’t win a championship alone. The entire team is needed to win that championship game.
In the same way, as a business owner, it’s easy to feel like you have to take on everything alone. But if you look at any successful entrepreneur, you’ll see that they’ve had a team behind them the entire way.
You need the right team behind you if you want to win big!
Building a winning team doesn’t have to be cumbersome or expensive. Our company was founded by real estate investors who understand that the right systems and shared resources can be way less expensive and even more powerful than having an in house team.
They understood when to conserve energy and when to elevate their game.
Have you noticed that your favorite star performer doesn’t play every game as they do during the playoffs? Conserving energy and star performers until the end of a game—or the end of a season—has been used time and time again by basketball players and their coaches.
Because it works!
It’s called playing the long game…
Real estate entrepreneurs need to learn from this. By focusing on the long game, we reduce burn out and conserve our energy for when we need it the most.
We’ve said it time and time again, running a real estate business is a marathon and not a sprint. Many of our prospective sellers aren’t even ready to work with us right now. But if we play the long game and maintain contact with them, they’ll be looking to us when they are reading six months to a year down the road.
Real estate entrepreneurs lose a lot of deals because they get shortsighted and give up too soon on sellers. Having the right system behind you that automates your follow-up and keeps in touch with your sellers 6-12 months from now is imperative.
Give a round of applause to the athletes who gave their all!
While we’re all mourning the loss of March Madness and sports in general, now is a great time to give a round of applause and a shout out to the millions of athletes around the globe who gave their all this past year.
We hope that as we navigate the next year that the same can be said of us!
Sellers are going to need us soon. How we spend our time now preparing will make the difference when the season opens.
Join REI Beacon and get ready for the championships!
This is where we’ll be rolling out tons of free resources and training for you to make it to the playoffs and beyond!
Also, don’t forget to register for our three-pointer Q&A Tuesday webinars and our slam-dunk strategic Thursday webinars! Okay, those aren’t the exact names, but you get my point.