As we scale our investing businesses, automation has to become a crucial part of our operations, especially on the lead generation and marketing front. One of the most effective ways to scale our lead generation is through the use of voicemail drops.
On a lower level of business, we can get by with just calling people, but this is unsustainable as we grow. Voicemail drops can be as effective as actually having a conversation on the phone because they get to connect with us through our voices.
Including voicemail drops in our follow-up sequence significantly boosts our business and gives us more opportunities to build a deeper connection with our leads.
Where do voicemail drops fit into our 10X follow-up plan? How do they make our marketing feel more human and personal? In this episode, I talk about the power of using voicemail drops in our follow up.
A flawless follow-up machine has to include voicemail drops. If it doesn’t, we’re missing the boat and the opportunity to close more deals.
Robert SyfertÂ
Watch the Full Episode Here:
Three Things We LearnedÂ
- Anytime you’re going to send a text message, you should be sending a voicemail within the same timeframe. It allows them to hear our voice and feel more connected with us even if we didn’t have an actual conversation with them.
- Respond to people using the phone number we originally contacted them with. They have to see the same number and talk to the same person who first reached out.Â
- The laws of voicemail drops differ from state-to-state. To be on the safe side, check with your TCPA attorney in your area to verify the restrictions and what you can do.