Data is the key to any good lead generation and marketing strategy. Imagine how a higher level of search could help you go after the right leads from the start.
Skip tracing allows us to do just that. It provides us with the high quality data that puts us in front of sellers our competitors aren’t even thinking about. It can help us bring dead leads to life and create new opportunities.
How does skip tracing blow other search models out of the water? How can we leverage it to boost our investing business?
In this episode, you’ll learn how skip tracing works and how to use it effectively.
Most people see returned or undelivered mail as junk, but so many golden opportunities lie within that so-called junk. The money is made in the extra layers of work.
Robert Syfert
Watch the Full Episode Here:
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- How skip tracing supercharges your marketing
From a front-end marketing perspective, what’s better than having multiple ways to reach sellers? - Where skip tracing has the most power
Your competitors are casting aside undelivered and returned mail. How can you gain a massive advantage by bringing these dead leads back to life? - How to deal with sellers who ask us how we got their info
How does skip tracing help us handle the biggest objection investors get when they call someone?
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