For a moment, I want you to imagine looking out your window and seeing drones in the sky above your house…
They’re blaring a message out over loudspeakers, so you open up your window to listen in.
It takes your brain a moment to process what they’re saying.
But when you do, it hits you smack dab in the middle of your gut.
You’re left wondering if this is some sort of prank, or maybe it’s a nightmare, and you haven’t woken up.
Because those drones are saying…
"Control your soul's desire for freedom."
While this might sound like an excerpt straight out of a dystopian horror novel— It’s not.
It’s 100% real. (Yes. It. Happened.)
And maybe it didn’t happen in the U.S.. (At least not yet.)
But, if this can happen in a beautiful and bustling city like Shanghai, which has been called home by business people from all over the world…
Then it absolutely can happen ANYWHERE!
What does this have to do with real estate investing?
You’ll have to keep reading to find out…
Last week, the world watched on as Shanghai residents screamed out their windows in protest of the citywide lockdown that resulted in food and water shortages, leaving many residents frustrated over the city’s handling of their “zero-COVID” policy.
Hungry residents even shared their thoughts from their balconies by singing, “why are you starving us?”
While many of us see this as a tame method of protesting, Shanghai’s government seemed to think differently.
They responded to the outcries by deploying drones to fly above Shanghai’s apartment blocks, which sent the residents this eerie message that went viral on social media later…
“Please comply with Covid restrictions. Control your soul’s desire for freedom. Do not open the window or sing.”
Now, I’m not here to downplay what’s going on in Shanghai.
And I’m not going to dive into the nitty-gritty details of what’s happening there either.
While I genuinely hope everyone there stays safe, I figure you can gather your news, information, and opinion on the matter for yourself.
But, since I’m a real estate investor and an entrepreneur with multiple businesses, as well as an author who happens to be releasing a book timely titled, The Freedom Code next month…
I felt like I couldn’t “not” talk about this eerie event.
After all, most of us became entrepreneurs out of our pursuit of FREEDOM.
And whether you’re looking for time freedom, lifestyle freedom, or financial freedom, you’ve chosen real estate as the vehicle to get you there.
But, while this sounds like a noble pursuit—
All too often, we end up far from free…
We end up enslaved to our business!
And as a result, we unknowingly “control our innate desire for freedom” by getting lost in the nitty-gritty, day-to-day operations.
We sweat the small stuff, try to save money, and DIY our businesses…
Instead of utilizing the principles of “Leverage” to help us get more done in less time—which requires an investment but provides ROI in spades—we end up trying to do everything by ourselves on the cheap.
I want you to ask yourself…
Does Your Business Afford You Freedom?
Or does it send suspicious drones to your house to tell you to “control your soul’s desire for freedom?”
Before you answer that question…
Take a look at a few of the definitions that Oxford’s Dictionary defines freedom to be:
- Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
- Freedom is the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.
- Freedom is the state of being physically unrestricted and able to move easily.
- Freedom is the state of not being subject to or affected by a particular undesired thing.
The Freedom Code Assessment For Real Estate Entrepreneurs
Check the box if…
- You’re unhappy or stressed out regularly.
- Your business or workload has caused you to miss events or activities, and/or you wish you had more time to do the things you love.
- You’re handling your day-to-day operations, not just the high-level tasks like generating revenue by closing deals and growing your business.
- You do everything yourself and rarely delegate.
- You’re no longer feeling purposeful or excited about what you do.
- You’ve been unable to grow your business past a certain point.
- Your business would fall apart, lose money, or cease to run altogether if you stepped away for a few months.
- You’re in debt and won’t make enough money after expenses this year to pay it off.
- You’re seeing signs of your relationships, health, and/or business suffering.
- You’re not living your perfect day, every single day. (Or at least on most days.)
Total number of checkmarks: _____
Take that total and multiply it by 10, then subtract it from 100 to get your total freedom score.
If a score of 100 means you’ve successfully achieved freedom as an entrepreneur, where are you at today?
If your score is deficient, don’t let that discourage you.
Let this be your wake-up call to find another way—a better way.
You deserve freedom, and there are plenty of opportunities for you to still achieve it!
Our entire business model at RealEstateInvestor.com, including our REIvault Done-For-You Services, was created to help real estate investors and agents achieve freedom faster without hiring a team of people to get there.
And this is the theme, message, and vision that runs throughout every page of my new book— The Freedom Code.
In The Freedom Code, I share my journey out of bondage and into freedom, and I provide the step-by-step framework for you to do the same.
I invite you to check it out below to learn more, and if there’s anything that I can help you with, or anything that my team and I at RealEstateInvestor.com can assist you with, please reach out.
There’s absolutely no need for you to “control your soul’s desire for freedom.”
Especially not when it’s sitting right in front of you.
Pre-order The Freedom Code Today!

Whether you’re a new entrepreneur who’s just waking up to the world of real estate investing, or you run a 7-figure business, this book is a valuable resource to get you on the path to achieving the life you’ve always imagined.
The Freedom Code shares Gary Boomershine’s journey out of bondage and into freedom through the proven principle of leverage. Having learned many hard lessons along the way to becoming an 8-figure entrepreneur, Gary firmly believes that freedom is a mindset.
Today Gary’s devoted to helping real estate investors and entrepreneurs achieve true freedom in life—financial freedom, lifestyle freedom, and time freedom by using real estate as a vehicle to get there.
The Freedom Code includes FREE access to a suite of online Real Estate Investing tools and training to better equip you for achieving success in today’s economy.